Planetary maps

All the planetary maps available on these pages are publicly available. You do not need a special permission to use them but if you do then please mention their origin in your work, e.g. "created by Björn Jónsson" or something equivalent.

You are also welcome to link to the maps from your own website. However, please do not place a copy of the maps on your website. One reason for this is that from time to time I "upgrade" the maps with improved versions and I don't want to have old, obsolete versions of my maps scattered around on the web.

The full size maps with accompanying information can be accessed by clicking the image thumbnails below.

Further information on the data used to create the maps is available on my legal stuff page.

Venus Jupiter from Cassini
venus_map.jpg (3413 bytes)
Jupiter from Voyager 1 - New Jupiter from Voyager 2
jupiter_vgr1.jpg (31077 bytes)
Io Io DEM (largely fictional)
io_map.jpg (9987 bytes) io_dem_256x128.jpg (20370 bytes)
Europa Ganymede
europa_map.jpg (6680 bytes) ganym_map.jpg (8526 bytes)
Callisto Saturn
callisto_map.jpg (9698 bytes) saturn_map.jpg (3471 bytes)
Saturn's rings Mimas bump/DEM (oudated)
satrings_map.gif (4809 bytes) mimas_bump.jpg (4222 bytes)
Rhea's albedo/color Neptune
rhea_a_m.jpg (3778 bytes) Neptune

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